In today’s extremely competitive gaming markets, having the knowledge of how well you are performing is much more than analyzing revenue results. Different metrics that measure customer service, property presentation, messaging and communication are just a few key performance indicators that drive the revenue numbers. It’s not as simple as some casino operators think – a poor performing casino floor can’t always be fixed by giving customers more cash back.
Every casino resort sets expectations for a customer’s experience – whether they are conscious of it or not. It starts with a visual presentation of the property and transcends to almost every facet of your operation including customer service and product quality. When your customers arrive, they have an expectation of what their experience will be. Meeting or exceeding that expectation is the key to a casino resort’s success. The industry’s most successful casino resorts are the properties that have carefully aligned their customer expectations with their delivery capabilities.
Achieving that alignment and delivery capability is no easy task – just visit some of the less successful casinos and you’ll see an abundance of missed opportunities: eating at a restaurant with poor food quality and even worse customer service; a beautiful exterior that upon closer inspection lacks cleanliness and is in disrepair; or an exciting marketing promotion that leaves the customer feeling “short-changed”.
The first step to improving your alignment is to understand your customers’ expectations and how well you are delivering against those expectations. Too often, casino resort management assumes they are doing a great job of creating an exciting experience for their customers, when in reality, they are consistently missing the mark. A secret shopper program may highlight some problem areas, but only a quantitative analysis can provide a clear picture of how well (or poorly) you are consistently performing. A detailed Gaming Patron Satisfaction Survey, when conducted properly and professionally, is a cost-effective and accurate tool to measure your success and provide insights for improvement.
WhiteSand Gaming has partnered with Meczka Marketing Research Consulting (MMRC) to deliver one of the most highly effective Gaming Patron Satisfaction Surveys in the industry. Together, we use a formal approach to design relevant and informative questions that target a casino resort’s most profitable customer segments. This combination results in a report that is highly informative and at the same time provides prioritized action items that management can use immediately. Some of the clients that have utilized this tool are the most successful casino resorts in North America and regularly rely on the reports.
For more information about WhiteSand and MMRC’s Gaming Patron Satisfaction Survey please contact Sal Scheri at or Mike Meczka at
Saverio R. Scheri III
President & CEO
Las Vegas – Atlantic City – Macau – London